소원_우리 같은 꿈을 꾸자

[태연] L'officiel Italia Interview 번역 본문

소녀시대, My Only One ★/번역

[태연] L'officiel Italia Interview 번역

포솟(ForSO) 2017. 8. 20. 03:15






Do not let her soft features, golden hair and tiny frame deceive you: the singer Kim TaeYeon is a real force of nature. She was born in South Korea in 1989, which makes her part of the Millenial generation, a cohort with an indissoluble tie to digital technology. What is also known as the MTV Generation somehow or other influenced her passion for music, which she devoted herself to during middle school, training at the Starlight Academy. Diversity and versatility are the strong traits embodied by her generation.

그녀의 부드러운 풍모금발과 작은 체구가 당신을 속이게 하지 마라. : 가수 김태연은 강한 사람이그녀는 1989 남한에서 태어난디지털 테크놀로지와 분리할  없는 밀레니엄 세대이다. MTV 세대로도 알려져 있긴 하지만그녀의 음악적 열정에 어찌되었건 영향을 주었고 열정은 그녀가 중학생인 시절에 Starlight Academy에서 훈련을 받도록 만들었다다재다능함은 그녀의 세대에 강한 특성으로 나타났다.


"Prototypes and stereotypes are not so important right now. They are like songs: you don't need to select and listen to them in a specific order for them to work, you can play them all on random," she explains. 

원형이나 전형이란 요즘에는 중요하지 않아요그들은 노래를 좋아하죠굳이 노래를 고르고 특별한 순서로 재생하도록  필요 없고그냥 랜덤으로 들으면 되죠.” 그녀는 설명했다.

When she was 15 years old, she won first place as best singer at S.M. Entertainment's Best Youth Competition, signing her first contract with the record label. She realised her dream in 2007 when she debuted with the group Girls' Generation, which will be celebrating its tenth anniversary next year.

15살의 그녀는 SM 엔터테인먼트의 청소년 베스트 선발대회에서 노래짱 대상을 수상했고, SM 엔터테인먼트와 계약을 체결했다그녀의 꿈은 2007 소녀시대로 데뷔하며 이루어졌고내년에 10 주년을 맞이한다.


"There are eight of us and we get along really well. Our personalities are all compatible. We've been working together for a really long time and now we feel almost like sisters; we all take care of each other. Performing on stage, I realised that making music doesn't just mean singing. Music artists need to know how to handle the entertainment world in all of its facets. That's why I do other things, like photo shoots and interviews. I want to explore, learn and, at the same time, have fun." 

우리 8명은 정말  지내요성격이 모두 다른데도요우린 정말 오랫동안 함께 일했고 이젠 거의  자매 같아요서로서로 챙기죠무대 위에서 음악을 만드는 것이란 단지 노래하는  만을 의미하진 않아요가수는 엔터테인먼트 전체를 다룰  알아야 해요그게 제가 사진 촬영이나 인터뷰 같은 다른 일도 하는 이유죠저는   탐험하고배우고 동시에 즐기고 싶어요.



In 2012, Missing You Like Crazy reached the top of the Korean charts and in October 2015 she made her solo debut with her first EP, I, which hit no. 1 in South Korea, selling 100,000 copies. In 2016, she released the single Rain. 

2012년에, ‘미치게 보고 싶은 한국 음악 차트의 정상을 차지했고, 2015 10월에는 한국에서 가장 히트한 싱글 앨범 I 데뷔하며 10 장의 앨범을 판매했다. 2016년에는 싱글 Rain 발매했다.


"Going solo was almost a natural development, starting from my Girls' Generation debut. Every composition is new and a song is like a competition. When I sing a new song, I take it as a challenge and I am ready to work on it and keep working until I am completely satisfied. Hard work does not always guarantee excellent results, and this is one reason I feel lucky today. When I am working with Girls' Generation, my bandmates and I put a lot of trust in our amazing team." 

솔로로 나서는 것은 우리의 소녀시대 데뷔에서부터 시작한 자연스러운 단계에요모든 구성이 새롭고 노래는 경쟁과 같았어요 노래를 부를 도전으로 받아들였고노력  준비가 되어 있었으며제가 만족  때까지 계속 작업했어요노력이 항상 좋은 결과를 보장하지는 않기에 저는 제가 정말 운이 좋은 사람이라 생각해요소녀시대와 함께  우리 멤버들은 저희의 놀라운 팀에 무궁한 신뢰를 보내죠.”



The 'solo queen' is very tuned into what her fans think about her musical style and she tries to stay in daily contact with them through her Instagram account, which has an astounding seven million followers. 

솔로  그녀의 팬들이 생각하는 그녀의 음악 스타일을 조율하고팬들과 일상을 공유하기 위해 인스타그램을 활용하며그녀의 계정 팔로워는 700  가량 된다.


"I like interacting and hearing what they have to say. I can get a sense of what they want so that I can improve my work, and in return they discover some interesting new things about my personality." 

저는 팬들이 하는 말을 듣고소통하는 것을 좋아해요저는 팬들이 원하는 것에서 영감을 얻어  작업 결과물을 향상시키고그리고 팬들은  자신에 대한 새로운 흥미로운 점들을 발견하고요.”



Giving up her music career and doing something else would be unthinkable to her.

음악 경력을 포기하고 다른 일을 한다는 것은 그녀에게 상상   없는 일이다.


"I would never abandon it, but I do like art. I would like to learn how to paint. I've always been fascinated by it, since I was a little girl, but I've never had the time," she confides. 

 그만  생각 없지만미술은 좋아하죠그림 그리는 것은  배우고 싶어요제가 어렸을 때부터  관심이 있었지만시간이 나지는 않네요.” 그녀가 털어놓았다.



The best place to study painting could be Europe, which the singer hopes to be able to visit soon. 

미술을 배우기 가장 좋은 장소는  가수가  방문하길 바라는 유럽일 것이다.


"I definitely want to do a foreign tour. At my last concert, at the end of July, there was a huge crowd that came all the way to Seoul to see me. My fans are scattered all over the world, and they often ask me to make a stop in their countries. I would really like to visit them and put on amazing shows. It would be a terrific gift for them, and for me as well. I would love to be able to plan a world tour." 

 진짜 해외 투어 하고 싶어요. 7월에 끝난 마지막 콘서트에서방방곡곡에서 엄청나게 많은 사람들이 저를 보러 서울로 왔어요 팬들은  세계에 있고자주 제게 자신들이 사는 나라에 들를  없는지 물어보죠저는 정말 팬들을 찾아가 엄청난 공연을 보여주고 싶어요팬들에게도저에게도 엄청난 선물이   같아요 정말 월드 투어   있으면 좋겠어요.”



Her initiative is what keeps her going non-stop and developing new projects.

그녀의 계획은 멈추지 않고 계속 하는 것과새로운 프로젝트를 하는 것이다.


"This summer, I will do a concert in Busan, South Korea's second largest city. For now, I will keep singing, releasing singles and albums and performing onstage. I am not the type to work for a little while and stop to rest. I prefer to keep going, partly because the relationship between music and me will never burn out." 

이번 여름에한국에서  번째로  도시인 부산에서 콘서트  거에요지금은 계속 노래하고싱글과 앨범을 내고무대에  거에요 잠깐  하고 쉬는 타입이 아니에요음악은 제게   없기 때문에조금씩이라도 계속 할거에요.”



Although clearly driven, she does not see herself as very bold. 

명확하게 자신을 주도함에도 그녀는 자신을 대담하다고 보지 않는다.


"I'm a little worried about my future, like I was ten years ago. I'm not very daring. I think it's natural for young women to have some insecurities about the future, since there are a lot of things in life that they haven't experienced yet. Luckily, I am surrounded by wonderful people; I like living with them, learning and being able to never stop growing. I also just started taking care of my health. I need to practice more, to strengthen my voice and guarantee excellent performances onstage. I try to take vitamins and spend more time at the gym. In Korean, we have a word, Bae-ryeo, that means consideration, care and attention, and it's kind of my life motto. I always keep this concept in mind." 

 미래에 대해서는, 10년 전과 같이 불안해요저는 담대하진 않거든요젊은이들이 미래에 대해 약간의 불안감을 가지는 것은 당연하죠아직 많은 것을 경험하지는 않았으니까요다행히도 주변엔 좋은 사람들이 많죠저는  분들과 함께 살아가고배우며성장할거에요건강 관리도 시작했고요무대에서의 멋진 모습을 보장하고 목소리를 강화시키기 위해   연습이 필요하죠비타민도 먹고 운동 시간도 늘리려고요한국에서는 배려란 단어가 있고관심과 주의라는 뜻이죠그건  삶의 모토에요항상  마음에 이걸 새겨놓아요.”



In short, there does not seem to be such a big difference between the worries and dreams of the Korean pop star and those of Western youth.

요컨대한국의  스타와 서양의 청소년들 사이에는 그렇게  차이가 없다는 것이다.



Thanks to taeyeontheist and Bee for scan

Thanks to oscartang and 언제나 네 편 for advice of translate


Original- http://taengab.tistory.com/71
